January 27, 2022 Q & A with Piera of @hipiera
There are some Instagram creators that magically deliver consistent and inspiring fashion content, and this is definitely the case with Piera of @hipiera.
She was so generous to accept my request for a little Q&A. Keep reading to learn more about her!
Please tell us a little about yourself.
Hi friends! I’m Piera, a Brooklynite living in Los Angeles (like most relocated East Coasters). You can find me on Instagram sharing my sustainable fashion journey and tips on how to style thrifted finds. I just launched a new weekly series called #dressedbythedeck, which has been a fun creative challenge. You’re welcome to join in on it, too!
I like to balance the colorful images on my feed with unedited, real-life moments because social media is only a glimpse of what someone is really experiencing. I know, I’ve worked in social media for 10+ years and am a part-time content creator. Because of that, I often talk about mental health, community, and feelings. I weave in my passion for connecting with others through my work as the Social Lead at a startup called Quilt, an audio-only app for supportive conversations.
How would you describe your fashion style?
In a nutshell, I’d describe my overall fashion style as vintage eclectic meets art school teacher. My style depends on my mood and how I’m feeling each day. I’ll wear an all-black, simple chic outfit one day and rainbow vomit maximalism the next. The most important thing when I’m getting dressed is that I FEEL good, because sure you can look great in something, but if you don’t feel comfortable in it, who are you dressing for?
Thank you for naming Crossroads one of your favorite thrifting spots in LA! How did you come to find us? Do you have a favorite Crossroads find?
A few years ago, I was searching for secondhand shops and a blogger mentioned Crossroads. I was living in New York at the time, so I immediately went to the closest location.
As for my favorite Crossroads find, that’s a tough one! There have been many gems, but one of my favorites is a metallic pink crop leather jacket. There’s no label in it and the stitching is a little off, so I have a feeling it might be handmade, which makes it all that more special.
Most vintage and thrift shoppers have a burning memory of “the item that got away.” Is there anything you didn’t buy on a thrifting trip that you still regret leaving behind?
I’m someone who documents everything, so there’s an endless supply of photos and videos of things that got away. Ultimately though, I believe (and hope) the things we leave behind end up with someone who rocks the hell out of it! I do remember a vintage silk high-waisted pant and crop top set that I wish I scooped up though. It was cream and pink colored with delicate embroidery and pearl buttons.
Your colorful hair is part of your signature style. When did you start experimenting with different colors, and did something special inspire you?
I started experimenting with my hair when I moved to LA about six years ago. I left New York because I was burnt out from the hustle culture and working three jobs. Coloring my hair was a rebirth for me. And, it makes my inner child so happy. I recommend everyone try it; even with a wig, it’s an instant mood booster!
Thank you, Piera, for taking the time to tell us more about yourself and your amazing style!
See more of Piera’s style at @hipiera.
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