Blog: Crossroads Style

September 14, 2022 Staff Style Spotlight: Sarah

Sarah wearing a fur lined jacket.

As part of our Staff Style Spotlight series, meet Sarah, a Buyer at Crossroads. We asked employees from our Irvine store to bring their style and star in our latest Crossroads photoshoot wearing their Crossroads finds. Read about Sarah’s personal style, favorite Crossroads finds and favorite thing about working at Crossroads.

Sarah wearing a fur lined jacket.

Tell us about your favorite Crossroads find.

I have yet to find my iconic Crossroads find, but I have hope it’s coming soon! I did find this two piece satin set that I screenshotted a while ago online. Manifestation!

What are you dying to see come into your Crossroads store?

I am dying to see vintage Chanel runway come into the store. A girl can dream!

Sarah wearing a fur lined jacket.

What are your fall closet essentials?

Leather jacket, leather pants, and chunky boots!

How would you describe your personal style?

I would describe my personal style as timeless. I’m really into finding pieces that will last me a long time, like a capsule wardrobe with some cool, different pieces.

Sarah and Mikayla wearing fall clothing sitting on a bed

What is your favorite thing about working at Crossroads?

My favorite part about working at Crossroads is being around all the cute clothes. I love seeing the new pieces we get in and seeing what I can snag (winky face). I also love all of my coworkers!

Top tips for selling at Crossroads?

Look on social media to see what is trending and see what everyone is wearing/buying, but also remember your own style! View our Selling Guide here.

Thanks for the Staff Style Spotlight, Sarah! As a Buyer, Sarah plays a crucial role by working with customers who come in to sell and selecting merchandise for the store. Do you love fashion? You should join our team!  Visit our Careers page to learn more about working at Crossroads.
