Blog: Crossroads Style

July 12, 2022 Q&A with Rebecca of @phdinclothes

When Rebecca of @phdinclothes started looking for fashion inspiration for work as a new university professor, she couldn’t find much more than blazers with elbow patches. So, she took it on herself to launch a blog and record what she wore to work!

Lucky for us, she embraces secondhand fashion and even shares some of her #crossroadsfinds. We had to learn more about her.


Please tell us a little about yourself!
H! I’m Rebecca, and I run the blog PhD in Clothes. I’m a professor, and I started my blog to talk about getting dressed for work in a realistic way, and on a student or early-career budget.
photo of Rebecca
Thank you for being an advocate for thrifted fashion. How did you start shopping secondhand?
I really got into secondhand fashion when I was a grad student. I have always loved clothes, and it was sort of like the magical world of thrift stores opened up to me. I suddenly realized I could dress how I want on a budget, and that was so exciting!
photo of Rebecca
You’ve carved out a very special niche for your fashion blog. What can people expect to see when they visit it?
A mix of talk about secondhand shopping, workwear, and productivity in academic and research careers! I also love bridging the (totally fake!) divide between style and being “serious” about your career. Clothes are communicative to others, and they impact our mood, confidence, and productivity. Yet I’ve heard from other academics that they feel that they shouldn’t be interested in style because it’s not a “smart” interest. I think we need to throw that idea out.
photo of Rebecca
You get to travel frequently for academic conferences. What has been your favorite location, and what did you pack?
I just got back from Paris, which was such an excellent conference location! But I think my most fun packing was for a Washington D.C. conference. I brought a burgundy suit, sweater, and top, and was basically monotone the whole weekend. It felt fun!
photo of Rebecca
We were thrilled to see you tagged us on Instagram. How did you find us? Do you have a favorite piece from our stores?
I lived by the Boulder Crossroads for a few years, and it was my absolute favorite place to shop in town. Probably my favorite thing I found at Crossroads was a wicker purse that gives off a picnic basket vibe. I love it in the spring and summer. But my most worn is an excellent gray cashmere sweater that is very cozy all winter!

photo of Rebecca

Thanks go out to Rebecca for sharing her fashion story with us! Follow Rebecca’s fashion adventures on her blog and on Instagram at @phdinclothes.

And follow Crossroads on Instagram for daily sustainable fashion inspiration and peeks into our stores across the country.
