Blog: Crossroads Style

Celebrating Black History Month:
Staff Spotlight

In honor of Black History Month, we are amplifying the work and stories of Crossroads employees.

Lena, Communications Manager

Lena Spotlight Headshot

Is there a Black leader or figure, past or present, who inspires you?

My Blackness and Queerness are two identities that are most salient to me, so learning about and reading the works of Black Queer figures, like James Baldwin and Audre Lorde, have really inspired me, especially as a writer myself. I also love watching Queer Black representation in today’s media, so shows like Pose and Harlem and have felt super affirming and inspiring to watch, though I think we still need more representation!

What is your proudest career or personal achievement?

I started as a Recruiter with Crossroads but I got my undergrad degree in Media & Communications and was very excited to put my degree to use when I was promoted to Communications Manager. Even though I’ve only been in the position for a little over a year, I feel as if I’ve developed so many personal and professional skills in a short period of time, which I’m very proud of.

What is something someone may be surprised to know about you?

In addition to working full time at Crossroads, I’m also a full time Grad student, studying Counseling Psychology. At Crossroads, I do a lot of work around our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals and have discovered that it’s something I’m truly passionate about. I would love to one day find a way to combine my love for fashion, psychology and DEI.

What does “Black Joy” mean to you? What aspects of your life bring you the most joy?

To me, Black Joy is all about emphasizing the positive, joyous aspects of Black folk’s experience. I think the media loves to hyper-focus on negative aspects of Black people’s history and treat Blackness as if it’s a monolith, when there are so many beautiful parts of our culture that can be highlighted. Building community with other Black, Queer folks brings me the most joy. Over the past few years I’ve built some really amazing relationships that bring me joy everyday. <3

Daniel, Floor Staff

Daniel Headshot

What is your biggest career or personal goal?

To work in sports in some kind of way- specifically for one of my favorite teams.

What hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

Watching and playing sports (basketball, football, hockey and baseball). I love to listen to a variety of different genres of music.

What does “Black Joy” mean to you? What aspects of your life bring you the most joy?

To be able to feel comfortable in myself and to try my best to be kind to anyone. The thing that brings me the most joy in life is being surrounded by my friend and family. Sports, too. Being born and raised in the Bay Area, the teams I root for (Warriors, A’s, 49ers, Sharks) bring me joy when I watch them do well.

Izzy, Floor Staff

Izzy Spotlight Photo

What hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

I am into film: making, acting and watching. I also like to draw and make beats.

What is something someone may be surprised to know about you?

I like to collect shells.

What does “Black Joy” mean to you? What aspects of your life bring you the most joy?

Being happy and comfortable with yourself. An aspect of my life that brings me the most joy is creating.

October 13, 2021 Staff Style Spotlight: Hannah

As part of our Staff Style Spotlight series, meet Hannah, a Floor Supervisor at Crossroads. We asked employees at our Portland stores to bring their style and star in our latest Crossroads photoshoot wearing their Crossroads finds. Read about Hannah’s personal style, favorite fall trend, and favorite thing about working at Crossroads.

Model wearing brown leather jacket.

Model in a floral sweater.

What is your favorite fall trend?

I am excited to wear long leather jackets; they have my whole heart! I love the drama they add to every outfit.

What are you excited to see come into your Crossroads store?

Jean Paul Gaultier inspired printed pants! I would cry tears of joy!

Model standing at bus stop.

What is your favorite winter trend?

I love funky and fun colored rain coats. You need them here in Oregon; it’s fun to spice up a basic necessary garment.

Tell us about the piece that “got away”.

There was a cute & classic vintage Betty Boop and Friends t-shirt that still appears in my dreams!

Model smiling in the sun.

What is your favorite thing about working at Crossroads?

I love seeing different people try on an item I’ve had my eye on in the store. It’s nice seeing its life cycle in the store before it goes to its forever home. It’s fun to think about the ways in which one might style it!

Top tips for selling at Crossroads?

Be aware of current trends!

See our trend guide.

Thanks for the Staff Style Spotlight, Hannah! As a Floor Supervisor, Hannah not only assists customers on the sales floor, but also trains and supervises staff and processes the amazing secondhand fashions that come into their Crossroads. Learn more about working at Crossroads. 

September 30, 2021 Crossroads Staff Style Spotlight: Lyric

Meet Lyric, a Buyer at Crossroads. We asked employees at our Portland stores to show off their staff style and star in our latest Crossroads photoshoot wearing their favorite Crossroads finds. One of our employee models was Lyric. Continue reading to and learn about Lyric’s personal style, favorite fall trends, and advice for selling at Crossroads.

Model wearing leather pants

models sitting on a bike rack

Models walking together

What are you excited to see come into your Crossroads store?

I am loving the Y2K revival and can’t wait to see more!

Tell us about the piece that “got away”.

There was a super cute ’90s style maxi dress that I wasn’t able to purchase quickly enough!

photo of person on waitlist app

What is your favorite thing about working at Crossroads?

I like that I’m constantly staying up to date with current trends and getting to add my personal taste to the store.

What is your favorite fall trend?

I love the neutral tones: browns, greens, etc.

Top tips for selling at Crossroads?

Ask us what we’re buying in for each season and what styles have been coming in recently.

See our trend guide.

As a Buyer, Lyric plays a crucial role by working with customers who come in to sell and selecting merchandise for the store. Sound like a job you’d love? Learn more about working at Crossroads.

Click here to see our next featured employee and their Crossroads staff style.