May 9, 2023 Q&A with Che of @chewhitney
Che of @chewhitney is busy as a journalist, stylist, and fashion curator, so we were excited when she took the time to answer our little Q&A about thrifting, her fashion influences, and her go-to looks. Read on to learn more about her.
Thanks for taking part in this Q&A, Che! Please start by telling us a little bit about yourself.
I am Che Whitney, a fashion curator from Chicago. I recently started a passion project called Normalize Borrowing that informs fashionistas like me about sustainable ways to shop and care for clothing to prevent textile waste. I love shopping, skating, and getting dressed, because when you look good, you feel great.

Thank you for promoting sustainable fashion and sharing your #crossroadsfinds. How did you find your way to secondhand fashion?
I definitely started at a young age. I used to go to the flea market with my grandmother, which eventually turned into me going to thrift stores and resale shops. I love having one-of-a-kind pieces.

You spend time in both Chicago & New York. How has each city influenced your personal style?
NYC definitely added more glamour to my style. I am a girlie tomboy–I love sneakers with frilly skirts and colorful jackets. Living there, I felt more comfortable taking fashion risks and elevating my style. Chicago is home, so naturally my style influences were in my home via my mother, grandmother, and various aunts.

Summer is almost here! What is your go-to summer look?
My summer look is always sporty/preppy. The country club tennis look is my go-to.

What is the best secondhand fashion piece you have ever found?
When I first moved to NYC, I found this gold lame’ pleated dress at Crossroads in Williamsburg. It is literally my favorite dress I own!

Thank you, Che, for talking to us about your adventures in secondhand fashion!
See more of Che’s looks on Instagram: @chewhitney. You can find us there too!