Blog: Crossroads Style

June 6, 2023 Sustainable Fashion Merchandising Jobs

Sustainable fashion merchandising jobs are finally getting their moment in the sun as Gen Z fully embraces the climate benefits of secondhand fashion.

On top of reducing textile waste in landfill, shopping secondhand has allowed fashion enthusiasts the ability to mix modern and vintage pieces and make their style unique to them. It turns shopping into a treasure hunt.

So then what’s better than a sustainable fashion career, where you can help curate and merchandise a resale fashion store like Crossroads Trading with the best secondhand fashion pieces out there?

photo of person working a sustainable fashion merchandising job

In the case of working at Crossroads, our employees also receive a significant employee discount on already excellent-priced pieces (usually about one-third of the original retail price!). Add in the perk of working closely with others passionate about fashion, and you may be starting to think that sustainable fashion merchandising jobs are exactly the type of career you’re looking to start right now.

East Village Store Front

If that’s the case, start here on our Careers page to learn more about our benefits and see the most recent job openings. You’ll find we have multiple stores and job openings across the U.S.

Our fingers are crossed that we hear from you very soon!
