Blog: Crossroads Style

February 28, 2023 The Perks of Secondhand Fashion Shopping

Secondhand fashion shopping is one of our favorite activities, and the perks are pretty impressive.

First, the beneficial impact of buying secondhand is well-known. Whenever possible, we like to give an existing fashion piece a longer life rather than buying a new one.

Second, it’s undeniably fun. We compare it to a treasure hunt because you’ll never know what you’ll find on the racks. At Crossroads stores, for example, we buy clothing from the public all day every day, so our inventory is different every time you visit.

Finally, you can find really good clothing and accessories. Here are some of those perks:

Finding Designer Pieces at Discount

We’d wear this secondhand Gucci belt with everything.
photo of Gucci belt found secondhand fashion shopping
Gucci Belt, $275

Shopping Unique Pieces

No cookie cutter fashion here: you’ll find pieces as unique as your personal style.
photo of quilted jacket found secondhand fashion shopping
Psychic Outlaw Jacket, $55
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Loewe Paula’s Ibiza Flamenco Knot Bag, $550

Getting The Pieces You Missed Last Time Around

Missed the last fashion collaboration when everything sold out? Not to worry – you’ll eventually find it secondhand.
photo of designer sweatshirts found secondhand fashion shopping
Alexander Wang x H&M, $32.50

Finding Nostalgic Pieces

This is a major treasure hunt find, finding a piece you owned years ago, or a tee to a concert you once saw.
photo of vintage t-shirts found secondhand fashion shopping

Assorted T-Shirts, prices vary.

Getting Sporty

If you love a sports team, you can increase your gameday picks by thrifting for pieces.
photo of person in sports jersey found secondhand fashion shopping

Buying Like-New Pieces Way Below Retail

You read that right. Even like-new pieces are discounted at secondhand, sometimes to only a third of their original retail price.
photo of Nike Jordans

Nike Air Jordans, $95

What are you waiting for? Add some secondhand shopping to your weekend plans and get your hands on your “new” clothing favorites.


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