Blog: Crossroads Style

June 30th, 2017 by Samantha Weaver Meet Morgan!

Please help me welcome Morgan of The Maverick Muse to the Crossroads Style Council!

At Crossroads, we’re always on the lookout for style inspiration, so when Morgan came into our view we were blown away by the creativity in her looks.

I hope to make people feel something through my thoughts, words and imagery.”

– Morgan

As you follow Ms. Maverick Muse, you can’t help but connect to the individuality of her beauty, humor, and even her strength—all shown to us through her story-like posts about fashion. It’s stunning. She is in many ways a muse, a chameleon, a maverick of life. Take a look at some of her outfits we’re currently obsessing over!


“I found fashion to be my language of choice. It held this ability to speak volumes merely through a visual cue.”

the message2

the message

the message3


“I live to inspire and entertain others. To me, the clearest indication of one’s well-being is their smile. Having the opportunity to breathe some life and laughter into another’s life brings me joy.”

the muse3

the muse3


“I don’t take myself too seriously when it comes to fashion; it’s supposed to be fun.”

the chameleon

the chameleon2


“I would say my style is classic, quirky, eccentric, fearless and playful … if it had to be labeled to a single word, it would be Maverick.”  

the maverick


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After this visual feast, we hope you’re as excited as we are to be involved with Morgan’s style story! We’ll be following her to see how she incorporates pieces from Crossroads into her artful looks!

You can find out more about Morgan via her interview with Lookbook.

Welcome, Morgan!
