Blog: Crossroads Style

October 19, 2021 Thrifting for Halloween Costumes

We’ve been thrifting for Halloween costumes for as long as we can remember. In fact, it’s this annual activity that introduces many people to secondhand clothing stores.

You’ll have to put your creative hat on because building your costume from scratch is not as simple as purchasing a packaged Halloween costume. However, the challenge is fun, the thrifted pieces can usually be worn outside of a costume later on, and you’re not going to run into your costume clone on Halloween night.

To help you get thinking of this year’s costume, here are 3 common themes that will help you build your Halloween costume off the racks of secondhand stores.

1. Classic Movie Characters

Focus your search on stand-out pieces. It may take only a sweater to get your Freddy Krueger costume started, or a great coat to inspire a Cruella look.

photo of person in costume

photo of person in furry coat

2. Your Childhood Favorites

Think back on your favorite toys and characters from childhood, and keep them in mind as you shop. Our Dallas team dreamt up these costumes for Hannah Montana and the popular Bratz dolls.

photo of Hannah Montana costume

photo of Bratz costume

3. Decades

This is usually the easiest costume to build in a secondhand store. Pick a decade you love and shop exclusively for vintage pieces from that era. Most likely, the pieces can be remixed afterward for a more modern take!

photo of 70's dress

photo of 1920's dress

Do we have you ready to start thrifting for Halloween costumes? We love to see your creativity shine, so please tag us on Instagram @crossroadstrading when you post your thrifted Halloween look so we can see it!


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